1. Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them.
Yes, I often do. The memory of my dream remains in my mind after getting up for a while. It is sometimes vividly and sometimes vaguely. Nowadays, I often dream about what I wrote in this writing assignment. I guess it might remain until right before sleeping.
2. How do you interpret a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it?
In my opinion, we dream about what we are thinking potentially. For example, I often dreamt that I was making a document for a meeting with our client when I was a computer engineer. In fact, I made it and tried to make sure there was no mistake on the document thoroughly in the real world. I felt a strong responsibility for it at that time. So, I guess it affected my dream.
3. Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like?
Yes, I have. It was the dream that I murdered someone. I cannot remember it in detail. As much as I remember, I was suffering from it and threatened by something always because of it in my dream. I thought my life was over because I couldn't have anything enjoyment after doing that.
4. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln supposedly foresaw his own assassination in a dream? What do you think about it?
I don’t believe it. I never think we can foresee our future. If the thing we had in a dream happened, it is just an accident. When it comes to the case of Abraham Lincoln’s, it happened accidentally, I guess.
5. Do your dreams ever affect your moods? Explain.
Definitely. My dreams sometimes make me happy. For instance, my favorite actor comes up in my dream. The relationship between him and me is sometimes as an actor and a fan of him, and sometimes as a couple. I can imagine it absolutely doesn’t happen. But, I totally trust the situation in my dream for some reason.
Describe the first time you had an “unusual “kept dream.
初めて変わった夢を見たのがいつ頃だったのかは定かではありません。しかし、おそらく子供の頃でしょう。その頃から不思議な夢を見ていた私は、奇抜な夢を覚えています。夢の中で私はアミューズメント施設にいました。そして、自分が持っているコインを遊技場で使えるメダルに変換しようとしたのです。私は変換機にコインを挿入しました。その後もコインは次々と落ちていきました。しばらく止まらなかった。驚いて見ていました。落ち終わると、床には大きなコインが山積みになっていた。正直、スタッフには知らせていませんでした。これはラッキーハプニングだと思って、全部取ろうとしました。そして、目が覚めました。だから、夢の終わりを知ることはできませんでした。 でも、拾っているうちに、だんだんそのことに罪悪感を感じるようになってきたんでしょうね。実際、目が覚めた後は、怖かったし、興奮もしていた。しかし、その時の私はまさに爽快感に包まれていた。恥ずかしい話ですが、謙虚な夢を見ています。
I am uncertain when I dreamt an unusual dream for the first time. But, probably, it was when I was a child. I have had strange dreams since those days, I remember an eccentric dream. I was in an amusement arcade in my dream. Then, I tried to convert my coin into the medals that we can use at the amusement arcade. I inserted a coin into a converting machine. After that, coins kept falling one after another. It didn’t stop for a while. I was surprised and kept watching it. After finish falling it, there was a big pile of coins on the floor. To tell the truth, I didn’t notify the staff about it. I felt it was such a lucky happening and tried to take all of them. Then, I woke up. So, I couldn’t know the end of the dream. However, I guess, I would feel guilty about that gradually while picking up them. In fact, after waking up, I was scared as well as excited. However, I was exactly exhilarated at that time. I am ashamed to say that I have a humble dream.
1. Do you think it is possible to have our dreams be remembered as a whole?
I don’t think so because I always cannot remember the beginning of a dream. Also, I sometimes forget the dream that I had that night. I try to remember the dream the more, I cannot remember it the more. I used to keep my diary about my dreams. However, I thought it was meaningless, so I stopped doing that.
2. Do you think it would be possible for human beings to really interpret dreams?
I never think so. I believe my dreams are just our imagination. However, I used to believe that if the guy I like came up to my dream, the guy would like you, too. It made me try to dream about him at that time, though, I couldn’t control my dreams. Now, I think it is a childish story. But I was excited before sleeping in those days.
3. There is a proverb that says, "Dreams, they do come true." Do you agree?
No, I disagree with this idea. We need to strive to achieve our goals. In other words, we cannot realize our dreams by just dreaming. By the way, I believe that if we can make effort to achieve our goal, we dream about it. Let’s say speaking English well. I’ve heard that a person who studies English hard tend to dream in English. Then, he or she becomes to be able to speak English fluently after that. I trust that because he or she must have studied English as hard as dreaming in English. It must be a sign that he or she has reached a high level of it. I hope the day when I dream in English comes soon. So, I try to learn English seriously.